Category: slider

Cinematography Course: Shoot Better Video with Any Camera
Students should know what types of videos they are interested in making.
Students do not need a fancy camera [...]

Get FREE Membership
Photographic Society of Pakistan (PSOP) is the biggest and fastest growing photographers community of Pakistan. PSOP offering number of attractions li [...]

Mohanas of Indus, A pictorial book by Syed Najam Ul Hassan
ISBN: 9789692348010
Published Price: Rs.2500
Discounted Price: Rs.2000
Contact to Buy: [...]

PSOP Academy
PSOP Academy aims to teach art and science of visual literacy skills. This includes Photography, Film-making, Videography, Graphic Arts, Post Processi [...]

Wedding Photography Workshop by Top Wedding Photographers
If you're a photographer (an enthusiast or a pro), you'll eventually be asked to photograph a wedding: a task that's both a privilege an [...]

Develop Your Skills as Wedding Photographer.
Develop Your Skills as Wedding Photographer.

PSOP Offers Publishing House for Photographers.
Since the explosion of the digital camera, photography has become less of a tangible medium. Although we are now able to experience more photography o [...]