Shoot Like A Pro

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Shoot Like A Pro

Shoot Like A Pro (Basic Photography Course to Improve Your Photography Skills.)  Session: May 2022 Duration: 4 Weeks Fee: PKR 8000/= ( 25% Disc

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Shoot Like A Pro
(Basic Photography Course to Improve Your Photography Skills.) 

Session: May 2022
Duration: 4 Weeks
Fee: PKR 8000/= ( 25% Discount to PSOP members ) (Join now for FREE )
Venue: Lahore Camp
Instructor: Masood A. Khan.
Weekend Classes Starting From : May 15th 2022
Timings:  3:00 pm till 6:00 pm.
Award: Certificate shall be awarded to successful participants only.
Organizers: PSOP Academy. Photographic Society of Pakistan in collaboration with WCLA.

Course Description:

Whether you own a point-and-shoot or a more advanced DSLR, this class will give
you a better grasp of your chosen tool and the skills to make successful images.
We will focus on core photographic concepts as well as some more advanced
techniques. The course will include hands-on demonstrations with the camera and assignment based practice. We will discuss the work of great photographers alongside your own photographs in order to better understand the fundamentals of composition to create compelling imagery. Expect to leave the class with a genuine working knowledge of your camera.

Required Gear:

Any digital CAMERA including mobile phones. It does not matter which kind or brand you have. A camera with manual exposure controls would be more helpful. Having RAW capability is nice. Some accessories like a Tripod, a Flash light and some lenses would be great, but not essential.

Very Important:

This is a community course based on theory and practical. Object of this course is to develop and upgrade your skills to become a successful professional photographer. Attendance is very crucial for every student. Because of the nature of an accelerated course it will be difficult for you to catch up on the techniques taught in the session that you may have missed. Photography is learned best by doing. Practice practice & practice. You will be given assignments every week. Shoot pictures on given themes during the weekdays and come in the next class with your work done, fully prepared and raise questions. Hesitation in asking questions will cost you high.

Final Project:

Every student will be given a Final Project at the end of the course. It would be mandatory to submit the project on given schedule for qualifying for Diploma. Failing to submit the project on time would disqualify you for obtaining the Diploma. This final project will be printed and exhibited on certificate distribution day. Expect a surprise for extraordinary picture.

Fill the following form for registration